Faculty Achievements


                                               Details of research papers during the year                                                                                                           

Name of the Author(s)

Department of the


Title of the Paper

Name of the Journal

Month and Year of publication


Dr. S. M. Sonawane


Engg. Sci and Humm.

Properties of Sandip transform with incomplete H-function and applications in cryptography


Non-linear studies






Dr. L.C. Bawankar

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Magneto- thermoelastic problem with Micro temperatures, Voids and Internal heat source


Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology





Prof. S. S. Pawar

 Engg. Sci and Humm.

Fractional Differential Equation using Fractional order Laplace-Carson Transform

Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology




Prof. D. Jayavelu

 Engg. Sci and  Humm.

Ethical Leadership In The Digital Age: Navigating Complexities And Building Trust In Virtual Work Environment

Educational Administration: Theory and Practice




           Details of research papers during the year   


Name of the Author(s)

Department of the Author(s)

Title of the Paper

Name of the Journal

Month and Year of publication


Dr. Sandip M Sonawane

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Inverse Mohand Transform


Oct 2022


Dr. V. D. Patil

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Physical and electrochemical characteristics of NiFe2O4 thin films as functions of precursor solution concentration

Journal of Materials Research



Dr. V. D. Patil

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Preparation and characterization of NiFe2O4 thin films for supercapacitor applications

Phase Transitions (Tailor and Fancis)


10290338, 01411594

Prof. M. V. Kulkarni

Engg. Sci and Humm.

An Efficient One-Pot Green Protocol for the Synthesis of Dihydrochromeno[4,3-b]Pyrazolo[4,3-e]Pyridin-6(7H)-Ones Mediated by Diisopropyl Ethyl Ammonium Acetate at Room Temperature

Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds(Taylor & Francis)



Dr. S. S. Chine

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Formulation & evaluation of self nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems

European Chemical Bulletin


ISSN 2063-5346

Dr. S. S. Chine

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Assessment of Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil in Pomegranate orchards from Sangamner and Rahata, Ahmednagar District (Maharashtra) India

Biological Forum – An International Journal


ISSN No. (Print): 0975-1130

ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3239


           Details of research papers during the year   

Name of the Author(s)

Department of the Author(s)

   Title of the Paper

Name of the Journal

Month and Year of



Dr. S. S. Chine

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Application of Fly Ash as Robust Catalyst towards Biginelli Reaction

Journal of Xidian University




Dr. Sandip M Sonawane

Engg. Sci and Humm.

A Cryptographic Scheme With Laplace-Carson Transform And Sandip's Method

South East Asian J. of Mathematics and Mathematical


Print 0972-7752

Dr. Sandip M Sonawane

Engg. Sci and Humm.

A Note on Solution of Linear Partial Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients Formed by an Algebraic Function Using Sumudu Transform with Sm Operator

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing


Print 2194-5357

Prof. N. S. Abhale

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Kamal Transform In Cryptography With Sandip's Method

International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (Ijcesr)



Dr. Latika C. Bawankar

 Engg. Sci and Humm.

Initial Stress and Modified Ohm’s Law in Magneto-thermo elastic Problem Under Three Theories with Micro temperatures and Voids

International journal of thermodynamics


ISSN 2146-1511


           Details of research papers during the year 

Name of the Author(s)

Department of the Author(s)

  Title of the Paper

Name of the Journal

Month and Year of publication


Prof. S. M. Sonawane

Engg.Sci and Humm.

Applications of Sumudu Transform of  two variable functions with Hermite Polynomial to Partial Differential Equations

Advances in Mathematics
Scientific Journal


1857-8365 (printed)
1857-8438 (electronic)

Prof. S. M. Sonawane

Engg.Sci and Humm.

Sandip Transform:  Properties And Applications

South East Asian J.of
 and Mathematical

30 April 2021

ISSN (Online): 2582-0850 ISSN (Print): 0972-7752

Prof. Latika C. Bawankar

Engg.Sci and Humm.

Effect of temperature dependency in a one dimensional two temperature magneto-thermoelastic problem due to influence of modified Ohm's law

Solid state technology


ISSN 0038-111X

Prof. Latika C Bawankar

Engg.Sci and Humm.

Magneto-thermoelastic problem with eddy current loss of a thermosensitive conductive plate

Advances in mathematics:
Scientific Journal


ISSN: 1857-8365 (printed); 1857-8438 (electronic)

Prof. Latika C. Bawankar

Engg.Sci and Humm.

Memory Response of Magneto-Thermoelastic Problem Due to the Influence of Modifed Ohm’s Law

Applications and Applied Mathematics:
 An international journal


ISSN: 1932-9466

Prof. Latika C. Bawankar

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Time Fractional Magneto-thermoelasticity with Rosenthal Heat Source and Eddy Current Loss

Juni Khyat

 Feb 2021


Prof. Latika C. Bawankar

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Effect of magnetic field due to eddy current loss on temperature distribution and thermal stresses

Journal of Applied Science and


ISSN: 1857-8365 (printed); 1857-8438 (

Prof. D. Jayavelu

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Women Empowerment in Amish’s The Ramchandra Series: A Dharmic Narrative

International Journal of Language
and Literary Studies


P-ISSN: 2704-5528

E-ISSN: 2704-7156

Prof. D. Jayavelu

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Jungian Archetypes and the Process of Individuation in Amish’s Raavan: Enemy of Aryavarta

Working papers on linguistics
 and literature



Dr. S. R. Dandwate

Engg. Sci and Humm.

Ultrasonic Investigation of Binary Liquid Mixtures of DMSO with primary alcohols

International Journal of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology

May 2021

e-ISSN 2347 – 517X

1 N. M. Deshmukh, “A new approach to solve Fuzzy differential equation by using third order Rungekutta method”. Indian Streams Research Journal, ISSN No.2031-5063 Vol.I, Issue-III/Sept.2011, PP 1-4, International
2 N. M. Deshmukh , Scientific Mathematical Model for Detecting Behavior of Real World System. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, SANJIVANI-VISION 2012 held at SRES’S, College of Engineering, Kopargaon on 24th -26th March 2012.
3 N. M. Deshmukh, An innovative method for solving transportation problem, International journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, ISSN: 2277-2111, 2012, 2(3) PP86-91.
4 N. M. Deshmukh and Pansare , “Minimize total transportation cost of company with the help of transportation problem, Worlds genius international research journal, , Vol.1, Issue 2. April 2012   .pp 11-13, ISSN 2277-8381I
5 R Mahimkar and N. M. Deshmukh, “ Interpolation is a technique is obtain the most likely estimate value of certain quantity under the certain assumption. Worlds genius international research journal, , Vol.1, Issue 2. April 2012 , pp 27-30.
6 B. R. Shinde and  K. M. Jadhav, Ultrasonic Investigations of Molecular Interactions in Aqueous Electrolytic  Solutions at Varying Temperatures, Journal of Engineering research and Studies, vol. 1, Issue 1, July-Sept 2010/128-137. International
7 B. R. Shinde and  K. M. Jadhav ,Investigation of physiochemical behavior of ion- solvent  interactions using ultrasonic technique in DMSO drug at different temperatures, Phrmacologyonline  vol 2, May-Aug 2010/533-541. International
8 B. R. Shinde, Suresh S. Jadhav, Sangita U. Shinde, D. R. Shengule and K. M. Jadhav,  Acoustical study of aqueous manganese chloride solutions at varying temperatures by ultrasonic technique, J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2011, 3(3):432-438. International
9 B. R. Shinde, Suresh S. Jadhav, Sangita U. Shinde, D. R. Shengule and K. M. Jadhav,  Ion-solvent interactions studies in aqueous manganous chloride solution by ultrasonic velocity measurement at different temperatures.   Archives of Physics Research, 2011, 2(2): 107-113.    International
10 Dr B R Shinde, Dr. B B Bhosale, etal, Physico-Chemical Analysis of Some Ground water Samples of Kopargaon Taluka, Ahmednagar(MS), SANJIVANI VISION 2012 A National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology on 24th and 25th March 2012.
11 Sanjeev R Dudhat, B. R. Shinde, , K M Jadhav,etal,”Study of Ion-Solvent Interactions in Aqueous medium at different temperatures by ultrasonic technique”, National conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals & Applications, NCNFA-2011, 29-30 Dec.2011
12 S. R. Dandwate, “Study of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water Quality of Kopargaon Area in Pre-monsoon and Post-monsoon seasons (International)Published in E-Journal of Chemistry, ISSN:0973-4945, 2012, 9 (1)
13 S. R. Dandwate, Study of Velocity of Ultrasonic Waves in Binary Mixtures of Liquid at room temperature (International) Published in International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, ISSN:0973-1776Vol.6 No.4(2010), pp.489-494
14  S. R. Dandwate etal, Magic of Ayurveda and Yoga: An overview (International)Published in Pharmacology online(Newsletter), 1:797-811 (2010)
15 S. R. Dandwate etal, Thiamine: An overview (International) Published in Pharmacology online(Newsletter), 1:324-337 (2010)
16 S. R. Dandwate and S.S.Chine,”Applications of Nanotechnology: A Review”, (NCNAP- 2013) proceeding book,(Feb. 2013, 172-175)
17 S.S.Chine and S.R.Korake,” Physico-chemical methods for colour removal of waste water in molasses based alcohol distillaries: A Review”.DCSI International Research Publication. Vol.07, No.1 June, 2012 ISSN 0975-3044. (150-155)
18 S.R.Korake and S.S.Chine,” Performance Evaluation of UASB Reactor at Sanjivani ETP Treating Distillary Waste water.” DCSI  International Research Publication. Vol.07, No.1 June, 2012 ISSN 0975-3044. (139-144)
19 S.S. Chine and  S.R Dandwate,  “Wonder of  Nanotechnology in Drug delivery  system” “Nanomaterials, application and properties” (NCNAP- 2013) proceeding book,(Feb.2013, 245-246)
20 S.M. Sonawane, “Mathematical Analysis of the Views about Onion Crop in Maharashtra Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps”, Journal of Deccan Current Science international (ISSN:0975-3044), Vol.08:PP137-144 (Jan 2013)
21 S.M. Sonawane ,“Complex Fuzzy Matrices”, International Journal of Mathematical Science and Application (ISSN: 2230-9888) Vol. 03, No.1, PP 25-27 (march 2013)
22 S.R Dudhat, S.S.Chine and B.R.Shinde”Study of Inermolecular interactions in Binary,tetrnary and quaternary mixtures” Journal of Deccan Current Science international (ISSN:0975-3044), Vol.09:PP209-217 (June 2013)
23 V.A.Jundale, “Nanofluid as a coolant for a Fourstroke Engine” (NCNAP- 2011)proceeding book
24 V.A.Jundale, “future nanocoolant  for  a  vehicle” (NCNAP- 2013) proceeding book