Placement Term and Condition

For the students of full–time course of Sanjivani College of Engineering

1. Pre-Placement Process
2. Selection Process
3. Regular & Dream Offers
4. Post-Placement Process
5. Other Guidelines
6. Best practices for students
7. Refundable Security Deposit for Placement Pre-Placement Process
• Timeliness

The Placement Team fixes the time for the pre-placement talks and other interactive events relating to placements, keeping in mind the Institute’s academic calendar and convenience of the participating companies. Timings are communicated to all concerned, well in advance.
- Students failing to be on time for any such interactions shall be disallowed from further process with that company.
- Students who are not adhering to timeliness and are cause of embarrassment for the Institute shall be further barred from the placement process.

• Placement Eligibility Test
- To be eligible for the Placement Opportunities from the Institute, Every B Tech/MBA last year Student has to compulsorily Qualify in the Department of T&P organized Placement Eligibility Test inclusive of Soft Skill, Communication, Recent Trend, Market Updates, English Language, Aptitude, Psychometric and Domain specific Technical Questions.
- Initially, the passing Criteria for clearing this Eligibility Test is set to be 60% separately for both Technical & Soft Skills, However, any changes in the Passing percentage will be at the Discretion of the Department of T&P in consultation with Director.
- If he/she fails in clearing the Eligibility Test, he/she may be given one more additional chance to Qualify the test. However, Provision of any further additional chance will be at the Discretion of the Department of T&P in consultation with Director.
- If any student does not qualify the Placement Eligibility Test, he/she does not have a right to claim for the Placement Opportunities from the Campus.
- Department of T&P holds all the rights to make any changes in above mentioned rules with no explanation to any student, parent or anybody else directly or indirectly involved in the matter.

• Attendance at company Pre-Placement Talk (PPT)

Campus hiring is need based requirement. It may take place at company premises (Off Campus), Third Party premises (Consultancy) or at any other college (Pool Campus). Students should be ready for placement for as per the requirement of company.

Pre-Placement Talks are meant to be an interactive session between the company and the students. Hence, all students interested in a company and future employment opportunities therein, should be present for the company’s PPT.
- Information about a company’s PPT shall be advertised on the Placement notice board or digitally, well in advance. An email or WhatsApp Message shall also be sent to the respective class e-groups.
- Interested students MUST register for the PPT themselves, in person. No proxy registration shall be allowed.
- Thereafter, applications shall be considered only from amongst those students who have attended the company PPT. Students who have not attended the company PPT shall not qualify to apply to the company.
- All students who have registered for the PPT, MUST attend the PPT. Failure to do so shall result in the student being barred from the placement process.

• Application to company

Having attended the company PPT, students interested in applying to the company must apply within the stipulated application period. Late applications shall not be accepted by the Placement Team. Only those students who have applied to the company through the Placement Cell would be eligible for the company’s selection process.

• Application to multiple companies

- As decided for 2025 Batch, every T&P Eligibility Test Cleared student will be initially offered with Five (05) placement opportunities through Campus. This Five (05) count is exclusive of Pan India Opportunity (where joining is not a concern), Department identified Opportunity (if department approves) and any other doubtful opportunity with Grey Area.
If any Student fails in getting placed in first Five opportunities (as mentioned above), he/she can get additional Three Opportunities after making a payment of conditionally refundable deposit of Rs. 5,000 (Rs Five Thousand Only) in College Accounts Department. If he/she gets placed in these Three Opportunities, the deposit will be refunded to him/her at the end of last Semester result, however if he/she will not get placed in these three opportunities then the deposit will get ceased by the Institute. Provision of any further opportunity will be at the discretion of T&P Department in consultation with Director.
- Student can apply to any other company (with a cap of Five (05) Opportunities as mentioned above) through campus, even after having applied to one company and during the company’s ongoing selection process, the student can continue to apply to other companies.
- However, once the student has received a job offer (or got selected) from any of the empaneled companies, he/she has applied to, the student cannot apply to any company thereafter or continue to participate in the selection process of the impending companies. In certain situations, Institute may allow such selected students to apply for specific opportunities as decided by the TnP Cell.

Selection Process

• Responding to a Job Offer

The first offer made by a company to the student for final placements shall be accepted by the student immediately. The response shall not be altered at a future date.
- A student who does not accept the employment offer made by a company or who had initially accepted a job offer and later refuses the same, stands to be blacklisted for further campus placement processes.
- The student’s passing certificates and mark-sheets shall also be withheld by the Institute, in extreme cases.

• Salary Negotiation

Students are given a free hand to negotiate salary with the company, only where the company has indicated that the pay package is negotiable and will be dependent on the merit of the student interviewed.
- In other cases, no negotiation with the company shall be permitted, if the company has announced the pay package to be offered to students, prior to the selection process.

• Missed Interviews

A student missing interviews and/or group discussions or any part of a company’s selection process, stands to miss out on the further process with that company.
- The student shall be asked to write a letter of apology to the company through placement cell and could stand a chance to be barred from the campus placement process.
- The placement cell will take a call case to case basis depending on the nature of offence

Regular Offer & Dream Offer

-In general All the students are allowed only one regular offer and one dream offer
-In case a student gets placed in an Empaneled Company, he/she will only be allowed to another Company Placement Process if the Package is Double than what has been offered. However, the final decision of allowing students for such offer is at the Discretion of TnP Cell
-Students placed in Pan India Hiring Process, will be allowed with Second empaneled Company Offer with the condition that he/she has to compulsory join if gets selected in empaneled Opportunity
-Students placed in Centre of Excellence provided opportunity are not allowed to sit in any other placement Opportunities unless the package offered is Double than what has been offered currently or as allowed by TnP Cell. However, if any challenging situation occurs during the COE Processes, TnP Cell will make decision in the best Interest of Sanjivani College of Engineering and Students involved in the same
-In general, All the offers up to 7 LPA are considered as Regular offers
-In general, All the offers above 7 LPA are considered as Dream Offers. If students get placed in dream package offer, he/she will not be allowed for any other regular/dream opportunity unless decided by TnP Cell
-In certain special cases, the Dream Offer definition is not just on the basis of pay Package, but will be based on profile, future prospect and other factors as decided by TnP Cell.

Post- Placement Process

• Employment Formalities
Selected students shall go through all employment formalities, as outlined by the company. This could include medical tests, visits to the company and other prescribed formalities.

• Offer Letters
Students shall coordinate with the Placement Department for their offer letters sent by the companies. It is common for companies to send the offer letters to the Institute, several months after placements. Students must be patient and be in touch with the Placement Team for the same.
- Any discrepancy in the offer letter needs to be resolved directly between the student and the company, since several matters are discussed directly between the student and the company, during the interview process, which the Placement Team could be unaware of.
- Only in severe cases of discrepancy, should the Placement Team be requested to intervene.

Other Guidelines

• Code of conduct
Students are expected to behave in a dignified and professional manner, in all their interaction with the company. This refers to the overall conduct of students and spans across areas like attendance, dress code, body language (especially Clean Shaving for Mail) and verbal as well as non-verbal communication.
- Students shall not coordinate directly with the company, unless specifically asked to do so. All queries shall be routed through the Placement Cell.
- Students shall be barred from the campus placement process if found using unsolicited language during the Campus Placement process.
- Placement cell can take appropriate action including disqualifying students to appear for specified number of companies if students violate the guidelines or company process. Higher authorities may take final call on case-to-case basis

• Dress code

Students need to be dressed in business formals at all times, for any interaction with the company during the placement process whether it is online or offline. This includes: business suits or Formals for either gender or sarees/decent suits for ladies. Dress Code also includes College ID, Formal Shoes etc.

• Timelines for Joining

Students selected by companies shall join the company only on the completion of their course at Sanjivani Rural Education Society – i.e., in the month of May/June, in the subsequent year. Students shall therefore not be permitted to miss lectures in order to begin their employment with the company
– full time or part time. However, in some cases students might be given early joining depending on the nature of work.

Due to the Company based Complexities in onboarding process, every empaneled Company placed student need to wait till three Quarters starting June every year. However, such Student will be open to apply for Placement Opportunity if he/she doesn’t gets onboarded in First Quarter starting June every year.

• Withdrawal Notice from Campus Placement Process
Students, who do not wish to be part of the campus placement process, shall inform the Placement Cell, at the beginning of the academic year. This enables the Placement Cell to work in a more focused manner, towards placements only for the interested students.
- The student shall submit a computer typed letter; personally signed, mentioning the same in the prescribed format available with the Placement Cell.

Best Practices for Students

• Strategy
Develop a plan early on during your academic year and select a team of students in the form of a Placement Forum and Secretary to carry the plan forward. Communicate a single point contact to the CMC. An organized team approach results in a more successful recruiting effort.

• Communication with the Placement Committee
By and large, the students’ Placement Committee serves as a representative of the students and a link between the students and Placement Cell. General queries, applications to companies and other follow up should be routed through the class Placement Committee.

• Communication with Placement Committee
It is advisable to go through the Placement notice board and official social platforms every day, especially during placement season, in order to avoid missing any important notices and updates.
- All-important announcements shall be made on the Placement Notice board and also via Official Social Platforms.
- It is also important for students to be in touch with the Placement Committee members, for consultation and any specific individual issues.

• Prompt follow-up
Based on company feedback, students who fail to follow up quickly with the Placement Cell, may lose their candidature to other students who keep in touch with Placement Cell.

• Leveraging on Alumni presence
Students are advised to be in touch with the Sanjivani alumni who are working with companies, where students seek employment opportunities. It is advisable to meet and interact with such alumni right from the beginning of the year, rather than towards the placement period only.
- The Institute provides several occasions and opportunities for students to interact with alumni. Many a time, Sanjivani alumni may be a part of the company’s selection panel during placements.

• Making the most of Summer and other Internships
A summer internship or a short-term project with a company is in most cases your best bet to create an impact and win yourself a Pre-Placement Offer. The 2-month internship if done well has the potential to enhance your career.

• Interaction at Multiple Events
Make the most of the opportunity to interact with the companies and their personnel at various events, including case competitions, guest lectures, class discussions, ongoing projects, industry visits and club activities.

Refundable Security Deposit for Placement

It is mandatory for students who are interested for placement to deposit a sum of Rs.5000 or as decided by Institute as security deposit for placement both in Third and Final Year which is refundable at the end of Final year after deducting T&P Processes related Costs or Fine if any.

In following circumstances deposit will be forfeited and no refund will be made to students:

• Students applying for job but not attending the process
• Students attended first round of interview and not completing the entire process
• Students communicating with company directly without the consent from the Placement Cell
• Students denying the offer after selection
• Any miss conducts by students during the entire placement process

Process to get refund of Security Deposit

• Placed student should visit the T & P office with application for refund between 11.00 am to 01.00 pm from Monday to Saturday after 6 months of joining the organization.
• The application for refund should be supported by documentary evidence of joining the said company (Photocopy of Joining letter / Identity Card of the company)
• Original & Photocopy of Receipt (security deposit Rs. 5,000 or any other amount)
• If joining is cancelled by the company due to some business reasons, then photocopy of such communication should be shown as evidence. In such case refund will be allotted.
• After remark/sanction from T & P, the application should be submitted to accounts' section of SCOE, Kopargaon for further process.
• Money can be collected in the form of Cheque from Accounts' Section Only
• The deposit will be provided after the deduction of training fees, placement visit fees, fine if any or any other expenses made for students for the placement purpose
Wish you all the best!